Subject: eliminate the grandfather claus: 203(b)(3)(i) is a felony

January 2, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a shareholder of US stock, and am gravely concerned that the grandfather clause; Grandfather clause: 17 CFR 203(b)(3)(i) will not be eliminated! Remember Rule 203(b)(3)(i) is a felony, and the SEC has no authority to turn failure-to-deliver prior to 1/03/05 into counterfeit shares.

The Grandfather clause: 17 CFR 203(b)(3)(i) will, allow the SEC to provided leniency and an Opt out clause for those who have deliberately stolen from shareholders, the IRS and caused ruin upon large and small companies which provide the economic foundation of our countries. This doesn't even consider the wide scope of financial ruin that will occur to people all across North America! With the Social Security system that President Bush has you not see how harmful the grandfather clause will be to the country and the seniors?

The Grandfather clause: 17 CFR 203(b)(3)(i), makes legitimate that which in law is illegal! Thief is illegal, is it not? I state again how serious this is, and that rule 203(b)(3)(i) is a felony and the SEC has no authority to turn failure-to-deliver prior to 1/03/05 into counterfeit shares.

Please eliminate the Grandfather clause: 17 CFR 203(b)(3)(i) Please bring integrity back into the crumbling market place. If you continue to deny that the securities within the market are legal and above par........then you continue to fool yourselves. Fix the system before it gets worse and fix it so no country, terrorist or broker can undermine the once proud and noble United States of America. Perhaps you too one of those that will allow the Amero dollar to come into place and allow the Chinese to hold all the US loans........thereby taking away the country from it's citizens?

K. Cazzorla