Subject: public docket

August 13, 2009

Elizabeth Murphy
Securities and Exchange Council
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

Dear Murphy-
The very idea of working for me was much more inviting than slaving for someone else. From this small idea, I opened Universal Carpet Cleaning Inc., and the rest is history. Thankfully, I have been able to maintain my business for a decade now, but I have seen some stark changes since the recent drop in our economy. It is harder to acquire new customers, and on top of that, competition is getting stronger. This increase in competition has caused the potential profits for my business to dwindle. That is why it is so important to me that you do not make changes to the shareholder proxy access; it would hinder my business even more than now.

One of the main reasons that I started in business for myself, was so that I did not have to be accountable to someone else. I do not want an inexperienced person to come in and make decisions for my company. My business is run primarily off the receipt of supplies I must acquire in a timely matter, so I can service my customers at a moment's notice. If my suppliers and vendors cannot deliver products necessary to run my business in time, I simply cannot provide a good service to my customers. This is an extremely scary notion to me, and one which I would never want to see come to fruition.

A business is expensive to run, even more expensive during rough economic times. If the government makes changes to laws that would make it even pricier to run my company, I might have to close my doors. There is nothing I would dislike more than to quit my business and have to go out and get a job. We all have bills to pay, please allow Americans to try to make it on their own by encouraging companies to prosper. Stop the changes to the shareholder proxy access rules now, and you will help save American businesses tomorrow. Thank you for your service,

Marcelo Moretti