Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: warren schenck

October 3, 2014

Please end this. Give us the final rules and let us go our merry way. We the people of the USA need this. Our forefathers envisiond a place where the small guy gets a chance to be heard. We finally have a place called the internet where people come together and are heard. Please don't take this away from us and leave us falling behind. There are many countries around the world that have taken the lead on this and we the USA can not fall to the way side.
You can do it You can let the people be free Freedom is the cornerstone our country is founded on. We the people want this freedom. To support the new and exciting technologies and services and products that can help to grow our economy.
You can help the people prosper and succeed We need your help in order that we the people will be free to excersize that freedom with our wallets. Thank you.