Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Charles Shih
Affiliation: Founder, AKT ALPHA LLC

September 29, 2014

Good Evening Ms. Mary Jo White,

My cofounders and I are developing a social media application designed as a platform to engage users to challenge themselves and each other in activities that will make a difference to our society in a good way. Cooperating clients can utilize our platform as an efficient way to roll out campaigns, advertise promotions to target specific audience. Users will be rewarded in the forms of coupons, giftcards, free gifts etc. and they will gain points through every challenge for leveling up to be rewarded with even better deals.

Our plan is to reach out to investors in our social network! But we do not know what the rules are. We only know what was released with the JOBS Act but that does not cover what happen to nonaccredited investors.

Can you please meet with your fellow Congressman? Vote to finalize Title III!

Thank you so much for what you have done for our country thus far! As soon as you vote and we can expand, we would love to hire on at least 5 more individuals and stimulate the economy with our ambassadorship!


Charles Shih
