Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: John Neil Conkle
Affiliation: Conkle & Olesten PLC

September 26, 2014

Ms. Mary Jo White, I am writing on behalf of William Conkle, my father, founder of Conkle & Olesten PLC in Santa Monica.  

"C&O is a legal services provider in the IP space. I am also and very interested in developing new tech and products aside from my firm.

I haven't been able to find finalized rules on Title III! I recently left a bigger firm and now practice in my own boutique firm. I am considering supplementing my work with a firm with entrepreneurial ventures. Title III will be a great thing for my business ventures.

I urge you to meet with your colleagues and finalize the rules of Title III for two reasons. First, so I can validate my ideas, and second, so I can raise capital for my upstart ventures.  

I need those two things so I can start hiring the talented grads who are looking for work here in Los Angeles. When businesses like mine can hire and invest in the future, our economy thrives!" Best, William Conkle
Lawyer Conkle & Olesten PLC"

John Neil Conkle, President