Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: David Mangold
Affiliation: Co-Founder, Cliqqit LLC

September 27, 2014

Ms. Mary Jo White,

My name is David and I am the cofounder of Cliqqit, which is a mobile platform that allows you to plan events with your friends. I have been pushing entrepreneurship for years now and when I saw that the JOBS Act was passed in 2012 I had hoped that Title III rules would be published along with it! I am interested in expanding my business and would love to hire at least 3 more engineers to scale our app. I believe that Title III is a great way for founders to pool money from their interested network of supporters! I know I have a network I want to approach!

We are looking forward to the opportunities that come with Title III and hope you make a decision as soon as possible so that we can make our roadmap!

Thank you!

David Mangold

Cliqqit LLC