Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Romain Sylvian

September 15, 2014

To whom it may concern,

We are contacting you today because we are a small startup with 3 people in our team. We have developed a mobile app to connect people with nearby point of interest and people sharing same interest.

We intend to initiate a crowdfunding campaign under the proposed Title III rules to raise $1,000,000 from our users and friends. We will use the fund to expend our users base, improve our UX, and get more monitoring for our user's posted content.

We strongly needs to hire within 12 months an experienced Marketing Director, a Customer Services Manager, and new Graphic Designers to improve our UX.

I am writing today to encourage SEC to issue the final rules as soon as possible so we can launch our business and hire people. We need to add strong assets to our company and grow.



Romain Sylvian
Cofounder & CTO at