Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Elan Amram

February 3, 2014

"10. Should we adopt rules providing for another crowdfunding exemption with different investment limits (e.g., an exemption with a $250 investment limit and fewer issuer requirements), as one commenter suggested, 52 or apply different requirements with respect to individual investments under a certain amount, such as $500, as another commenter suggested? 53 Why or why not? If so, should the requirements for issuers and intermediaries also change? What investment limits and requirements would be appropriate? Would adopting such an exemption be consistent with the purposes of Section 4(a)(6)?"

The SEC should adapt another rule which provides investment limits of $500 with NO restrictions or requirements from both investors or issuers. This will provide startups and small businesses a simple and easy process to raise capital without all the restrictions, requirements, and limitations as currently proposed under section 4(a)(6) "The Crowdfunding Proposed Rules" and "Title III"

Offering another choice would eliminate all the burden imposed on investors, issuers and platforms which would embrace the original intention of the law.

Crowdfunding should be an easy process for startups and small business to raise capital and not another bureaucratic hurdle.