Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Dennis Vaughn

May 4, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen:
I urge you do reinstate the "uptick" rule. I am just an average investor, who has lost money in the stock market, due, I believe, to the unfair practices of hedge funds and big money players in selling stocks short, to force stock prices down. In todays electric age, average investors don't have a change to invest in America and get a fair chance to make money as these companies grow. It is unfair, and I contend unethical, that the same share of stock can be shorted by multiple investors at the same time. Companies limit the shares they issue for a reason, and this multiple shorting is not fair. If only so many shares exist, thats the number of shares that should be in the market, held by investors. Please re-instate the uptick rule, and quit listening to only the big money players. We only ask that it be fair for all. I would hope just by looking at the track record since the uptake rule was eliminated would tell you all you need to know. See who has made money and who has lost money. Give us a fair chance. Thank you for considering my comment.