Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Kim Peters

May 4, 2009

It is amazing to me that you haven't yet restored the uptick rule and are doing nothing to enforce naked short selling. I don't know any investor who has an issue with shorting. It's the FTD's that concern us.

Certain elements of Wall Street are completely out of control and it appears to the average investor that you are doing nothing to protect us. I would love an explanation of how Bernie Madoff was able to pull off a Ponzi scheme of epic proportions under the watchful eye of the SEC after having audits, being informed on and having had investigations. I guess the mantra of 'if you're going to steal, steal big' is alive and well on Wall Street and the SEC. It is no wonder that the average investor is wary of putting their money back into the casino that Wall Street has become.

The manipulation of stocks that we have come to expect is ruining the savings and retirement dreams of middle America.

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