Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Sandra Mesuk

May 4, 2009


I believe there should be a ban on short selling for the balance of the day, if there is a severe decline in a security of a company in it's price. I believe there should be the circuit breaker halt rule. This would help the individual, retail investor, who is normally long on stocks and does not have the wherewithal the hedge companies have-which can force stocks down in a blink.

Secondly, please inact THE CIRCUIT BREAKER UPTICK RULE, NOT THE MODIFIED ONE. If rumor and innuendo did not occur around bear Stearns and Lehman and some banks, forcing their stocks down, perhaps markets would have been a lot better. Enacting these rules, which were in force only a few years ago, would be valuable to the little, powerless investor.