Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Joe T Presswood
Affiliation: CAI, NAA, Certified Auctioneer Insitute, National Auctioneers Association,

February 21, 2010

The up tick rule had protected billions of dollars in retirement and investment income for over many decades,the removal of this rule was a shock to the intelligence of the average investor on Wall Street, it showed defiance of established rules and laws meant to secure orderly markets. The removal of this rule was a big reason behind the collapse of the markets in general. Wall Street greed run amok by hedge funds, Goldman Sachs,/Plausen/Geitner and lawless deregulation resulting in the present Great recession. It must be reinstated immediately. As a result of removal of this rule the boys on Wall Street took home over 13 Trillion dollars on the short side of yours and my retirement funds