February 18, 2009

Subject: File No. S7-08-09

To Whom It May Concern @ the SEC:

Good day to you. I have one main question for the SEC today. Is the SEC going to reinstate the uptick rule for stocks? I have read recently that the new SEC chairman, Mary Schapiro, was looking into reinstating that rule because of the serious decline in the stock market. Since that rule was taken away, the market has declined around 50%. Would this rule level the playing field for all investors? I believe that it was put in place in 1938 as one of the things to help prevent another Depression. I don't understand why it was removed again. If you could please provide me with any information that you can on any of the parameters of this subject matter, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and I hope that you have a great day.

Best Regards,

Dr. David A. Santavicca