Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: gary d Crook

May 4, 2009

You've decimated the small investor by removing this rule. either the little guy gets a fair shake or you drive him out of the market for good. Why did FDR's generation do the right thing and you people are incapable of protecting the public from piranhas?
Please do what the american tax-payer is paying you to do protect our markets from academics and greedy bastards.
Thank you
The SEC commisioners made mistakes, clean up their mess and fire their incompetent asses. That's why we voted for a new administration to clean up this mess and start playing fair again. Don't reward these jerks by letting them keep their jobs. Get some new people that aren't bought off by the hedge fund lobby. Come on guys, this ain't Moscow. Stop stacking the deck for a bunch of fat cats.