Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: joe Teage

September 30, 2009

hey SEC great job Protecting the Investor , It's like the Fox watching the hen house...

I find this whole Comments on Reg Sho to be a huge waste of time and designed by the SEC as a Distraction. As if you really care SEC. A forth grader can figure out whats really goin on here. Naked Short Selling needs to be a Crime. Ban it now and put these crimals behind bars.
lets see you try and sell a car thats not yours and see what it gets you. same thing when you sell stock you dont own or borrow. I explained this to my 8 yr old and he understood it , why cant a bunch of adults at the SEC ?
i'll tell ya why , the madoff whistleblower said it best , " out of 3500 people at the SEC he could only find 2 champions".

2 out of 3500 ??

what a corrupt system we have ... god help us all.