Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: sara Mclovin

September 24, 2009

Average joe american buys a stock thru an online broker and it shows up in his acct. joe fells good after doing his DD on this company and thinks he's made a real good Investment.. joe finds out later that week that the companies stock has been over sold into the market by brokers and institutions. Joe contacts the conpany and finds out this is true and asked what they are going to do about it and they say contact your broker who sold you those PHANTOM Shares of our stock. Joe decides to go online and pull his certificate and get his shares out of the street name of his broker and get it in his name and hold the Cert. at home. A few weeks later the company is attacked by short sellers thru message boards and naked shorted into the ground... the company is forced out of business and has no office , employess or phone number. BUT the stock keeps trading for 2 more years , until finally its delisted. The naked short seller never has to cover his short possition and is protected by the SEC thru the whole ordeal. meanwhile Joe has his certificate and is waiting for justice which will never come and the money he invested is stolen by the system the SEC protects. Average Joe is screwed again. rinse and repeat over and over again for the last 20 years or so. God is coming for you people, just remember that. I hope it was worth it. Giving up everlasting life that is.

signed / average jane