March 11, 2009

Subject: RE: updated UPTICK AND Cost Accounting


I promise this will be my last email for a while. In my email below I passed along a off color comment about a man I do not know. I was trying to make a point but I could have done it without singling out anyone and been so crass in making my point. I apologize for that. Underlying my comment is the fact that I am seeing loved ones destroyed by what is taking place in our financial markets.
My mom is a retired Christian School teacher that has no retirement. My dad retires this year. They have a small amount of money that is invested in financial securities that pay dividends. Last year it was worth much more. She recently panicked and sold as she was afraid he stock would go totally worthless. My parents are probably the greatest, kindest people you will ever meet. They have lived their lives sacrificing for others. Now when they retire and have been destroyed by current market rule. It has been hard to watch as they have little left to retire on. I am just frustrated by this.

Thanks for listening,