Chairman Schapiro:

The following paragraph make with much doubt about your intentions to improve the Commission, which in my and many investors opinions; is just more of the same lack of Regulation that allowed Wall Street to crash the Markets and our Investment Accounts.Here is the paragraph in the following article: " Outgoing SEC chairman Christopher Cox wrote in a letter to Congressman Gary Ackerman (Dem.-NY) in late January that during 2008 the SEC never had a majority of Commissioners interested in reinstating the uptick rule or considering a "modernized variant of it." In addition, he said, Nasdaq and BATS "have informed the Commission of their opposition to either the old or a reconfigured uptick rule as a general matter." / LET ME INTERJECT HERE, MY PTS. OF DISGUST > #1: here you have ex-commissioner Cox quoted as he has any authority at all, and #2: this BATS is headed by none other than MADOFF'S SON-N-LAW Eric Swanson ; who is in charge of it. Do you see my great anguish here SEC to Probe Relationship Between Madoff’t Niece and Ex-SEC Lawyer between-madoffs-niece-and-ex-sec-lawyer/ Do you see my great anguish here I am an average american investor, have invested alot of my money in the markets, as well as my family in retirement accounts, which have lost thousands of dollars in value because of the corruption on Wall Street and extreme loss of regulation over the markets by SEC Regulators. I would hope you would see what changes need to happen. Instead I see you professing the same attitude of your predecessor. I hold many shares in bonifide stock certificate form of CMKM Diamonds Inc. The late Robert A. Maheu was the head of the Task Force that required shareholders prove that we actually owned the stock. The last certified share count we knew of was 639 BILLION shares. There are approximately, 42,000 bonifide shareholders just in this one penny stock, that was illegally Naked Shorted by Wall Street. We have been waiting Over 3 Years for Justice as Injured Shareholders, and have Heard Nothing about our Restitution. All I see is crimminals and Banks getting Millions of dollars to spend on leisure activities and keep for personal gains. I am on the outside looking in, I guess you still wear your rose-colored glasses. I will be sending my Letter to Congressman Gary Ackerman (Dem.-NY) and other concerned public figures. The average american out here is not going to invest another penny in the Stock Market, after losing 10's of Thousand's of our Life Savings. I remember those horrific words that came from ex- Commissioner Annette Nazareth, "What did they expect, to make a profit on their stock investments" ? Chairman Schapiro, I, and most did, and most will refrain from investing in the Markets again unless, you fast-track Regulations such as the Uptick Rule. The following is a recent news article, quoting many of your peers, please listen to Duncan Niederauer, CEO of NYSE Euronext.
NYSE Chief Renews Call for Uptick Rule
By Nina Mehta
March 5, 2009

Duncan Niederauer, CEO of NYSE Euronext, would like to see the Securities and Exchange Commission reinstate the uptick rule for short sales, even if it's mainly for the sake of bucking up "investor psychology."

Referring to the trading community, he said, "we've got to come out with a definitive statement" for investors. He noted that last fall exchanges were not able to agree on an approach to limiting rapid declines in stock prices, such as an uptick rule or a circuit breaker for individual stocks. But he also laid responsibility at the SEC's feet, calling on the Commission to decide how it wants to approach this issue. "No more rhetoric, no more maybes--just what are they going to do," he said. Niederauer spoke Tuesday evening at the Museum of American Finance on Wall Street.

The SEC hasn't committed to any new course of action, or indeed any action at all. "The Chairman plans to review the issue, but there's no specific proposal under consideration," an SEC spokesman told Traders Magazine yesterday. Mary Schapiro, the new SEC chief, said in her confirmation hearings in mid-January that she would review the elimination of the uptick rule.

The SEC eliminated all price-related tests for short sales in 2007. The NYSE's former uptick rule, a stricter version of which was first put in place in 1938 after the previous year's market drop of 35 percent, required short sales to occur on a plus tick or at the last-sale price if that was an uptick from the previous price. Nasdaq had a different rule.

Outgoing SEC chairman Christopher Cox wrote in a letter to Congressman Gary Ackerman (Dem.-NY) in late January that during 2008 the SEC never had a majority of Commissioners interested in reinstating the uptick rule or considering a "modernized variant of it." In addition, he said, Nasdaq and BATS "have informed the Commission of their opposition to either the old or a reconfigured uptick rule as a general matter."

Since the SEC's emergency ban on short sales in financial stocks last September, many in the industry have argued that the uptick rule or a price test should be brought back to prevent stocks from being pounded down by short sellers.

Many others, however, have argued that in the current fast-moving market in which prices skip around rapidly, these tests simply rein in liquidity and potentially distort the market. The SEC's Office of Economic Analysis and a handful of academic studies, which analyzed data from a pilot that ran from 2005 until 2007, found that the lack of price tests did not adversely impact market quality.

Niederauer acknowledges this. The SEC and other studies, he said, presented a "good case why we didn't need it anymore." But while "there's no economic benefit we got from having an uptick rule," he continued, "I'm not sure there was any economic disbenefit. If the question is, 'Would people think it's a fairer game if we had an uptick rule ' the answer is 'Yes.'"

Steve Wunsch, a market structure expert and former executive at ISE Stock Exchange, agrees that the uptick is worth another look. "An uptick rule may help stabilize the market and throw a little bit of extra process at those CDS [credit default swap] buyers and rumormongers trying to drive a firm's stock price to zero," he said. In Wunsch's view, short sellers appear to have had the upper hand in recent months. "Restoring the uptick might redress the imbalance," he said. "Even if the main benefit were only public relations, that's still not a reason to dismiss it."

However, many say the uptick wouldn't function as an effective brake in a fast-paced electronic market. The operational issues around reintroducing the uptick rule or some version of it could also be onerous.

Dan Mathisson, head of the Advanced Execution Services group at Credit Suisse, doesn't think reinstating the uptick rule makes much sense. "With 40 markets, how would you stitch it all together?" he said. "It would be almost as complicated as Regulation NMS, and implementing it would be ugly." He added that if the SEC does consider a rule change around short-selling, he hopes it would go through the normal rule-making process, with a public comment