March 2, 2009

Subject: uptick rule

I am writing to complain about the inaction to not reinstate the uptick rule or address the mark to market controversy. Where are you chairman? Roosevelt implemented these two measures. You are no better than the Bush Administration who let these measures be discontinued. What is being done about the toxic assets This government is ruining our retirement which is just a few short months away. We are going to be poor because or your inaction and bad judgement. I have heard many, many financial managers and business owners saying that these issues need to be resolved. What you have done so far is ineffective so reinstate the uptick rule and address the mark to market and toxic assets and see what happens. Where is Sommers? By wrecking the stock market you are wrecking the portfolios of retirees. Do you want all of us on welfare? I am sorry to be a democrat. I don't think John McCain would have been this stupid or socialistic.

Mrs. Dabels