January 26, 2009

Subject: Uptick Rule

Bob Green

Is there anything new going on with the Uptick Rule, that is, to get it reinstated? Can anyone tell me yet why it was removed when the result of the lengthy test that was run without it showed that it did raise the volume of Short Sales It must be reinstated. We don't need any more new billionaires to take their wealth out of circulation and lead to the demise of the Unitrd States. Our new president wants to create 2 1/2 million new jobs and by the time this stimulus gets started we will have lost that many jobs since he became president. The President needs all our help and the sooner the Uptick Rule is reinstated the sooner the Stock Market will turn around and help to turn everything else around.

Please furnish me with as many answers as you can. Good ones, I hope so that I can spread the news.

Thank you

Ray Abramson