March 2, 2009

Subject: UPtick rule

When are you folks going to finally get proactive and reinstate the uptick rule? I mean the rule was only put in place after the 1929 crash for a reason. To stop people from artificially sandbagging the market with little or no real size. People can simply click off 100 share bid orders all day and with all the real money sitting on the side line scared the market is just in free fall. they simply post size orders in the book to manipulate the market all day and you folks are still doing nothing to protect the entire US financial markets from a completely manipulated collapse. This is a complete injustice and somebody over the at SEC should be going to jail for allowing the NYSE and Goldman's greed over getting more clearing fees for volume get in the way of properly protecting our countries complete economic future. BE PROACTIVE and get in front of this before it goes any further. It doesn't do any good to chase Madoff and his money if the money is going to worthless if you do find it, because the United States financial system colllapsed. GET IT TOGETHER!!!!!

Brian O. Donley