Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Cato Sandberg
Affiliation: Owner of depleted IRA account

May 4, 2009

In September 2008 my son who is finishing his Masters in Economics overseas this spring told me that the Bush Administration had let the "Short Sell Rule" expire. He said "You watch what the Stock Market will do" I do not understand why it took practically no debate and a very short time to let the Rule expire and now it is taking months to reinstate it? It smells like somebody has their hand in the cookie jar. When Bush and his buddy buddies came to power I had $600,000.00 in two IRA accounts. Then, while Bush and his buddy buddies were asleep at the switch, came 9/11 reducing my IRA fortune to $180,000.00. Then came the expiring Short Sell Rule and today I have $45,000.00 left. Why do we always elect incompetent people into office?