Subject: s7-08-09

March 24, 2009

KeyID: 529

Name: Mark Gonzales

Information About the Complaint
Type: Stock
Entity Name: Sirius XM Sattelite Radio
Names, Addresses, Telephone number etc:

I believe all major brokers should be investigated in connection with manipulation of Sirius Xm Satellite radio Stock. As well as The N.A.B - National Association Of Broadcasters - How you learned about the transaction or other activity:
From simply watching how this particular security moves. First you must understand this stock has the highest short interest of any stock in the nasdaq. This is a stock that has traded with the threat of bankruptcy, it has traded from .10 to .15 for the month of jan and feb with the overall idea that bankruptcy was iminent, then last week a few reports came out citing unnamed inside sources that sirius was planning on filing a bankruptcy by Tuesday the 17th of February. Of course this then dropped the stock to .5 cents. Now all of a sudden it is reported they were saved from bankruptcy, and now the stock still trades at bankruptcy levels. Most of my reasoning for thinking this stock is manipulated comes from the constant media reporting false and damaging info, and from the brokers who consistently sell each other 100 share blocks at or below the bid price to keep it low. Collusion between the brokers and the media seems apparent to me as well. I Think a simple investigation into this security and the big institutions who trade it will easily find some wrong doing. Have you ever seen a stock that trades at bankruptcy levels avoid bankruptcy but then continue to trade at bankruptcy levels even when the volume is up from 40 million to 300 million Who contacted you:
no one
Sales material in your possession:
14,681 shares of stock symbol siri
Details about the transaction:
have bought in small increments since oct 2008 If on the Internet, all relevant Internet addresses:

Any additional information:
I know our president is trying restore investor confidence in the market, an investigation into the manipulation of the market by the big name brokers would do just that, as well as reinstating that uptick rule. Thank you for your time.


Mark Gonzales