Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: al ho

April 12, 2009

The SEC remains Ineffective and Useless to the Average American Investor. Incompetence of SEC and Political Officials, is rampent with no end in site. The SEC can not even agree amongest itself how to run itself, many times in trouble with the GAO. Hard working,tax-paying American Citizens are Shareholders of many Illegally Naked Shorted Companies. Many will come together,and expose this Corruption of Wall Street. All we keep seeing is the daily news of "Crimminals in White Collars, Gone Wild". They are in the News media every day, and The SEC remains Ineffective and Useless to the Average American Investor. Many of us have written multiple Comment Letter's to SEC Enforcement Division about Reg SHO/NSS/Grandfather clause, Senate Banking and Finance and other Committee's. Now, Mary Schapiro Stall's on the very important Uptick Rule, which was dis-guarded by the De-Regulator's. Ex De-Regulator Christopher Cox in Open meeting One Year Ago said Illegal Naked Shorting of stocks UNDER $ 5.00, is a Punishable Crime, which involves Money-Laundering and Fraud. THE SEC HAS DONE NOTHING TO REINBURSE INJURED INVESTOR'S.Investor's numbering in the Millions, invest in our IRA's, Pension Plans, and other Retirement Accounts in the Lousy Wall Street Markets and have lost Billion's of Hard earned income and Life Savings. IT IS TIME TO BE LOUD AND CLEAR, American's will not be ignored by the SEC any longer, we are not amused.