Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Lawrence Shultz

April 11, 2009

I see we are at another round of comments over the same stuff that has been commented on before. I have realized that the SEC is totally worthless and is actually part of the problem as to why this Country has no future going forward. The U.S. Stock Market is just one Giant PONZI Scheme that would make Bernie Madoff look like a choir boy. The Markets are full of so many Counterfeit Stocks Shares that even the Counterfeit Stock shares are now Counterfeit. I for one have realized that if it were to be fixed it would cause a Revolution across the United States, the People of this Country would be privy to the fact that ALL the money is long gone and the only thing left are IOU's. The ONLY thing I would recommend to anyone reading this post is to get out of the US Dollar, sell out ALL your Equity accounts (IRA's 401k's included) while you still can while it still has some value. And take the money and buy Gold, Silver, Guns, Ammo, Food, Water, a Farm any hard assets that will have value once the U.S. Dollar becomes totally worthless. God Bless the People of this Country for they have no idea on what their Government has done to them, their kids and their Grandkids.