Subject: S7-08-09

May 29, 2009

Do seriously consider the reinstatement of the uptick rule governing the orderly sale of stocks. Since 1938 it protected our financial markets. It was repealed in 2007 under George Bush and as a result the U.S. Government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars to fix this mess made by the influence of greedy Wall Street Hedge Fund Gangsters. Christopher Cox, the former SEC Chairman, was so dumb he allowed these gangsters to buy the Bush administrations cooperation through campaign gifts. He sold this country and it's honest people into economic imprisonment. You have an obligation to reverse this covert rule retraction so that our markets will stabilize, our economy will survive, and greed is diminished as a hallmark of this train wrecked country.

Please prosecute those who have by word, memo, email, or collusion of any sort spread rumors that damaged the names of good American companies in order to shake money out of the financial market by short selling the very stocks they maligned. In addition we have no business allowing any brand of ultra short ETF's. If the identity of Wall Street and Los Vegas should become further intertwined, all investors will leave our financial markets and this country will degenerate into a lawless savage land with third world status. It is your duty as a Loyal American and an intelligent government professional to prevent further erosion of the public and national trust.