Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Richard D Fields
Affiliation: Attempted retiree

April 25, 2009


I am not a financial expert indeed I am far from it. However, it does seem to me that the evidence against the repeal of the uptick rule and naked short selling is overwhelming. I am convinced that these practices have robbed (and I use the word as a verb nor figuratively) millions of us who are at retirement age of the possibility of realizing a comfortable retirement. I demand that you will reinstate the uptick rule as well as prohibting naked short selling for the good of small investors who have no protection from bear raids.

I am prepared to contribute to the campaign of effective elected officials who will move legislation through congress that force these changes. This attitude is a marked change for one who normally abhors the participation in political campaigns.

By the way, after watching the 60 minutes interview with the lobbyist for mutal funds, I hope that at some point you can deal with the misrepresentation of fees that this arrogant person sees as caveat emptor.

Thank you,

Richard D. Fields