Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Coy L Hays

May 15, 2009

I am a individual investor. As a small business owner I am also responsible for my retirement account management.
I have a SIMPLE IRA for my employees, as I think it is important for each us of to be contributing to our retirement rather than depending entirely on the public citizenry to meet our individual needs.

I am not comfortable with the ability of institutions and large investors to push the stock prices down to the point where normal opertions are impaired.

As a result I am withholding putting any new money into the equity markets. I do not intend to put any new money into the US equity markets until the "uptick" rule is reinstated.

I am seriously considering dropping the SIRA plan also, as I do not feel it is prudent for me to offer a plan which I cannot believe in for myself.

I realize I may not fully appreciate the many points of view regarding the benefits of the various proposals. I think however retirement needs to be carefully invested as opposed to speculative markets, which the equity markets have evolved into under the new rules.