Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: bruno frontino
Affiliation: photographer

May 14, 2009

I' a small investor and for the past 2 years are been brutal
I have to say a lot has to do with the economy but the suspension of the "up thick rule" is been a very contributing factor making.
Stock go faster in a panic
Making easy for rumor to be spread and be more effective bears have professionals on chat lines and any financial blog are very powerful
And the absence of the up thick rule make them stronger in downturns
I like to to take as you probably know that short naked combine with margin account create a ghost that is particularly efficient if used in negative mode, can create a gash in any stock by trading millions of non existing stock
This powerful combination is particularly efficient in panic situation where trader like me sell and after investigate what is happening
more panic among the trader that not only bet by the news but the quick plunging of the price
I urge you to not let this opportunity to reinstate the up thick rule and ban short naked
I hope I been clear since English is my second language.
WIsh all the best
Bruno Frontino