Subject: Why is My Government waiting 60 days to Implement the UPTICK rule?

April 8, 2009

Isn't enough that the short sellers and Market Makers have almost destroyed Americans and their Investments, and now we have to bear another 60 days of raping by these same short sellers?

Something is wrong with our Governement, and its Leadership. I am shocked to know after 1 1/2 years of continued short selling and destruction of so many Companies, the SEC will allow this rule 60 more days before its implemented.

What will happen in this 60 days is that you will see massive short sales, eventually making a lot more Companies go into Bankrupcy, or be extinguished totally.

By allowing 60 days for this rule to take effect is just giving these Hedgefunds, and Short sellers a LICENSE to destroy America further. I truly thinks this is what you are hoping to happen.

This UPTICK rule should have been implemented years ago, not 60 days from today.

I hope that you don't regret it, it will only get worst for going foreward during teh next 60 days.

I have had hopes in SEC and the Government, but todays ruling only makes me and many who are individual investors a non-believer in our Government.

Its appaling , very feeble decision making, and a let down to Individuals who lives by the rules of Government.

I ask for whomever reading this letter , that it be passed on to the SEC Commissioner.

Vijay Maharaj