Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Joe M Salinas
Affiliation: Manager

May 10, 2009

Dear Commissioners:

I would like to support the reinstatement of the "UP TICK RULE" immediately and make it permament.

I have followed Jim Cramer of Mad Money (CNBC)for the past 12 months and have protected my assets and financials for the most part due to his insights and wisdom.

It is time to bring back the honor and the truth to the financials across the U.S. Too many people have been injured by the manipulation of the rules, including short selling.

It is time to open grand jury hearings to see who should be prosecuted for the manipulation of the markets. People and executives must be held accountable for their actions once and for all. It has been the BIG GUYS that have negatively impacted the losses of billions of dollars across the U.S. Shame on them and their egos. It is time to expose them and their firms.

Please bring back the fairness for all and to clean up the markets.

Respectfully submitted,

Newport Beach, CA

Bring back the Up Tick Rule - permamently