Subject: From Marla Rose..They are OFF Point!

April 8, 2009

From: MCR
Sent: Wed Apr 08
Subject: Fw: From Marla Rose..They are OFF Point!

One more thing..
Tell someone on the panel.. ( Hope I am not asking too much)..
That If they do a 'Circuit Breaker', or a watered down version of the UTR.. That any result of the implementation, will NOT have a realistic result.
The Manipulators at this time will find a way to circumvent the regulation with the use of the Street Program from Reuters they OWN!!

Only the Full UTR can accomplish a true result.
And bring back the confidence of the Investors.

-------Original Message-------

From: MCR
Date: 4/8/2009
Subject: From MArla Rose..They are OFF Point!

Hi Frances.. Sorry to bother you...
But the whole meeting is Off the issue..
Not Shorting..that is needed..But NAKED SHORTING!!

Naked shorting cause the FTDs to crate false PPS levels..
And Balance sheet irregularities!!....

Why are they not talking about Naked shorting by the hedge funds?

Thanks ..Marla