Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Thomas R Greenwood
Affiliation: Mechanical Engineer

April 21, 2009

I for one would implement all of these options, as it is likely that any one would be difficult to enforce.

The spirit of buying stocks for the purpose of putting your money behind a company has been lost. The market has become
a tool for the hedge funds and Market Makers to legally skim money from the average retail investor. I for one have stopped putting all of my money into a 401k as I believe it is yet another tool to funnel large funds of "play" money to these guys.

I saw yesterday (4-20-09) my investment into BAC loose 45K in value. I plan on holding this for 15 years until I retire, while there are guys out there playing games naked shorting, driving this stock down for there own short term gain. It is discusting.

As far as what we should do to help control this, you are the experts you know what is happening in the market. Lets get back to a fair playing field in which the deck is not stacked.
Restore the confidence in the marked using your power.

Tom Greenwood

(Attached File #1: s70809-172a.txt) (Attached File #2: s70809-172b.txt)