Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Jack L Fenchel

May 6, 2009

Ban short selling.
It's illegal to gamble online. Betting on a stock to go down with taxpayers money at stake is a sin.
New York Consolidated Laws
Last Updated Apr. 1, 2007

Sec. 5-401.

Illegal wagers, bets and stakes. All wagers, bets or stakes, made to depend upon any race, or upon any gaming by lot or chance, or upon any lot, chance, casualty, or unknown or contingent event whatever, shall be unlawful.

Sec. 5-411. Contracts on account of money or property wagered, bet or staked are void.

All contracts for or on account of any money or property, or thing in action wagered, bet or staked, as provided in section 5-401, shall be void.

Sec. 5-413. Securities for money lost at gaming, void.

All things in action, judgments, mortgages, conveyances, and every other security whatsoever, given or executed, by any person, where the whole or any part of the consideration of the same shall be for any money or other valuable thing won by playing at any game whatsoever, or won by betting on the hands or sides of such as do play at any game, or where the same shall be made for the repaying any money knowingly lent or advanced for the purpose of such gaming or betting aforesaid, or lent or advanced at the time and place of such play, to any person so gaming or betting aforesaid, or to any person who during such play, shall play or bet, shall be utterly void, except where such securities, conveyances or mortgages shall affect any real estate, when the same shall be void as to the grantee therein, so far only as hereinafter declared.

When any securities, mortgages or other conveyances, executed for the whole or part of any consideration specified in the preceding paragraph shall affect any real estate, they shall inure for the sole benefit of such person as would be entitled to the said real estate, if the grantor or person incumbering the same, had died, immediately upon the execution of such instrument, and shall be deemed to be taken and held to and for the use of the person who would be so entitled. All grants, covenants and conveyances, for preventing such real estate from coming to, or devolving upon, the person hereby intended to enjoy the same as aforesaid, or in any way incumbering or charging the same, so as to prevent such person from enjoying the same fully and entirely, shall be deemed fraudulent and void.

Sec. 5-415. Certain transfers of property in pursuance of lottery, void.

Every grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, or transfer of any real estate, or of any goods, chattels, things in action, or any personal property, which shall hereafter be made in pursuance of any lottery, or for the purpose of aiding and assisting in such lottery, game or other device, to be determined by lot or chance is hereby declared void and of no effect.

Sec. 5-417. Contracts, agreements and securities on account of raffling, void.

All contracts, agreements and securities given, made or executed, for or on account of any raffle, or distribution of money, goods or things in action, for the payment of any money, or other valuable thing, in consideration of a chance in such raffle or distribution, or for the delivery of any money, goods or things in action, so raffled for, or agreed to be distributed as aforesaid, shall be utterly void.

Sec. 5-419. Property staked may be recovered.

Any person who shall pay, deliver or deposit any money, property or thing in action, upon the event of any wager or bet prohibited, may sue for and recover the same of the winner or person to whom the same shall be paid or delivered, and of the stakeholder or other person in whose hands shall be deposited any such wager, bet or stake, or any part thereof, whether the same shall have been paid over by such stakeholder or not, and whether any such wager be lost or not.

Sec. 5-421. Losers of certain sums may recover them.

Every person who shall, by playing at any game, or by betting on the sides or hands of such as do play, lose at any time or sitting, the sum or value of twenty-five dollars or upwards, and shall pay or deliver the same or any part thereof, may, within three calendar months after such payment or delivery, sue for and recover the money or value of the things so lost and paid or delivered, from the winner thereof.

Sec. 5-423. Money paid for lottery tickets may be recovered by action.

Any person who shall purchase any share, interest, ticket, certificate of any share or interest, or part of a ticket, or any paper or instrument purporting to be a ticket or share or interest in any ticket, or purporting to be a certificate of any share or interest in any ticket, or in any portion of any lottery, may sue for and recover double the sum of money, and double the value of goods or things in action, which he may have paid or delivered in consideration of such purchase, with double costs of suit
Jack Fenchel Beaver Falls, Pa.