Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Cindy Humphrey

May 5, 2009

I am 49 years old and I just started buying stocks recently so as to have something extra to fall back on after I retire. I havent been able to afford stocks before now. I am not a wealthy person just a working person. I only earn 24k per year which is not much for three people. I can't afford much in stocks so it would be devestating to me for the stocks I'm trying to aquire to get unnecessarly pushed down. I feel I have a chance an opportunity to invest right now but it won't do any good if large funds are able to crush what those of us small investors are trying to do for ourselves. We deserve the same opportunity as the wealthy and large investors but without the large amounts of capitol we don't stand a chance. You must bring back the UPTICK RULE so we don't just get crushed at every turn. We are willing to invest what ever small amounts we can and in doing so are also trying to help stimulate the economy as best we can. But we need the common sense rules put back in place for everyones protection. I am not alone as 2/3 of my coworkers are also new first time invstors. We are trying to help so please help us.