Subject: File No. S7-08-09

May 5, 2009

I suggest that you please put these rules in place immediately or enforce the rules that are already on the book. Stop giving these cheats more time to rob our financial system.

You guys are helping the hedge funds, market makers and all of wall street to continue to use our financial system as their personal ATM Machine. We all know for a fact that they are Naked Short Selling the shares of companies all day long every day and this is money that they steal and do not pay any taxes on as well.

If the SEC can not do the job that they are paid to do, then we don't need the SEC. Cox need to also be brought up on charges for being in bed with the cheats on Wall Street as well as the DTCC who all know that the naked short selling is going and also know who is doing it, but since the DTCC is paid for every shares that is traded on the market they look the other way and they refuse to give companies information on the trading of their company shares. The DTCC has alot to hide, they are criminals to the highest degree as is WAll STREET.

You to investigate Nite and all of the Hedge Funds and slap huge hundred million fines on them along with taking their licenses and I feel that alot of this greed would stop.