Subject: File No. S7-07-13
From: Lisbeth Caccese

September 25, 2013

I’m writing in support of a strong Dodd-Frank rule 953(b).

This provision is a no-brainer especially to the American taxpayer who had to "bail-out" CEOs/corporations for their irresponsible, arrogant & greedy behavior which tanked our economy in 2008.

If CEOs can't bear to have their pay practices revealed to their fellow Americans, then, maybe, they don't DESERVE them in the first place.  And please don't "use" the defense of contract excuse anymore - it just won't work.

The SEC should demand that this provision be fully enforced but I doubt it as the SEC is the lackey of Wall Street.

Thank you for considering my comment,

Lisbeth Caccese

Van Nuys, CA