Subject: File No. S7-07-13
From: Herb Hamilton

September 25, 2013

I’m writing in support of a strong Dodd-Frank rule 953(b).

The current crop of greedy and corrupt CEO's is totally disgusting. Congress needs to take strong action to support a strong and wealthy MIDDLE class. A strong, healthy, wealthy middle class is the bedrock of a strong and stable democracy. Giving CEO's huge rewards for lowering employee pay and benefits is not something we as a people should be supporting.

Disclosing corporate pay ratios between CEOs and average employees will discourage the outrageous and reckless pay practices that fueled the 2008 crash.

Knowing which corporations heap riches upon their executives while squeezing struggling employees also will be a useful factor for me when considering which businesses to support with my consumer and investment dollars.

I am aware that you are under intense pressure by business interests to weaken or abandon the rule. Do not give in. Instead, weigh your duty to protect investors and the American public against the self-serving interests of those seeking to undermine this rule.

Thank you for considering my comment,

Herb Hamilton

Cleveland Heights, OH