Subject: File No. S7-07-13
From: Suzanne Laatsch

November 29, 2013

I support Dodd-Frank rule 953(b).

I have read over and over that American workers wages have been dropping for years while productivity has increased.  Meanwhile executive pay has been rising.

Disclosing corporate pay ratios between CEOs and average employees will finally show which corporations are pushing the trend upward.

The disproportionate executive pay was one of the causes of the banking collapse that hit in 2008.  My home state of Florida was one of the hardest hit when the housing market fell apart.  Five years later we are finally beginning to recover.

I have read the complaint about the difficulty for corporations to make the calculation to disclose the pay difference, but your use of the median worker salary instead of the average does away with that argument.

I urge you promulgate a strong rule that will uphold the intent of the Dodd-Frank law.

Thank you.

Suzanne Laatsch

Suzanne Laatsch

Palmetto, FL