Subject: File No. S7-03-13
From: William Burns

September 9, 2013

Elizabeth M. Murphy
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090


Dear Elizabeth Murphy:

Greetings.  I wanted to take a moment to express my concern and opposition regarding the idea of a floating NAV for money market funds as outlined in the SEC's proposed amendments to fund regulations. 

Many investors are still nervous about their financial position after the crisis of 2008.  Money Market funds provide a great deal of comfort to investors, and this comfort level would go away with a floating NAV.

A share price of $1 has worked just fine for as long as I can remember, and I have no doubt it will continue to work.

Please take a stand to help investors and maintain the $1 share price.

Thank you for your consideration.




William Burns