Subject: Other Initiatives to be Undertaken by the SEC in Response to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

August 3, 2015

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC.  20549

Dear Gentleman,

I would think that our United States Agencies would do a good job promoting and
implementing the good old Dodd-Frank provisions.  Of course, access to Wall Street
on this task is considered acceptable-----------.  I can even bear with a few friends in
and out of my housing unit while I search for work online (see employment descript-
tion and position offered attachments) to no avail at this time.

Please tell me the good old business community and it's local state and federal
workers wouldn’t borrow this much of a career and annual income?  To become 
the support behind a Dodd-Frank - Wall Street Reform - & Consumer Protection
Act - or Social Security Act - or other UNWANTED IMPLICATIONS of a higher
Education Act.  Title 29 USC., 631, 633a, and 29 USC., 501, 791; rule 60b Fed. R.
Civ. Proc.,  opposing discrimination in employment hiring and rehabilitation
provisions.  A stipulation pending disciplinary action against any violation of
law, rule or regulations, etc.  41 CFR., parts 50-201.3 &  50-201.301 :

Very Sincerely,

Charles Poland Jr.