From: Marilyn Miller
Sent: March 18, 2016
Subject: RE: Disclosure Effectiveness Review

The SEC and its commissioners should continue to work on a rule requiring political disclosure from public companies, in the interests of their shareholders. Businesses should not be empowered to use backdoor political channels like fake nonprofits or associations to do their political bidding, and shareholders have a right to know how executives are using company resources for political purposes — especially if those purposes are against shareholders' interests.
Corporations are not people even though the Supreme Court Five declared they were. Rulings against the people have been going on for years. Now since the death of Scalia on Supreme Court the Republicans are refusing to meet with the President of the United States nominee to fill this vacancy as our Constitution requires him to do. The hateful fanatical racist the MAJORITY leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell has ordered all the Republican Senators to refuse to meet with the nominee, refuse to hold hearings for his confirmation, refuse to vote in committee to bring his name to the floor of the Senate as Mitch McConnell will refuse to put his nomination for a vote before the full Senate In other words he refuses to recognize the Constitution as the law of the land. But he sure loves the Citizens United law that the Supreme Court Five enacted against the will of the American Citizens.

Marilyn Miller

Springfeld, IL