From: Christopher Hahin
Sent: March 18, 2016
Subject: RE: Disclosure Effectiveness Review

The SEC and its commissioners should continue to work on a rule requiring political disclosure from public companies, in the interests of their shareholders. Businesses should not be empowered to use backdoor political channels like nonprofits or associations to do their political bidding, and shareholders have a right to know how executives are using company resources for political purposes — especially if those purposes are against shareholders' interests. Just as individual citizens are restricted on the amount they give to candidates, so should there also be a restriction on donations to political action committees which are typically indirect arms of the candidates. If these contribution limits are made uniform for individuals, corporations, unions, and any other incorporated organizations that make political contributions, the amount of slush money that circulates through these committees will not only be limited, but made to be directly transparent by who donated and by what amount.

Christopher Hahin

Springfield, IL