Subject: File No. DF Title XV - Specialized Disclosures
From: Nina B. Lanctot
Affiliation: pastor

October 29, 2010

Dear Lawmakers:

This is an urgent appeal to take wise action in behalf of the people in extreme suffering in Eastern Congo. Our dependency in the US on valuable minerals in Eastern Congo that drive our electronics -- computers, phones, etc. -- helps maintain deplorable conditions.

The new law, 15 U.S.C. 78m (p)(1)(A)(i), not only needs to appear on the books, but need to be enforced in such a way as to prevent on-going slave labor conditions in the supply chain for these materials.

"Due diligence on the source of these minerals must be defined to include a description of efforts to monitor the source of the supply chain for forms of modern slavery and other extreme violations of human rights."

This is one action we can take to bring attention to and intervene in the horrors that have gone on for years in DR Congo.

I would be glad to be informed on the process of implementation of this law.

with passion,
Nina B. Lanctot, pastor