April 14, 2012

Subject: Comment on File Number 4-637

I am writing as a concerned investor to request that the Securities and Exchange Commission adopt a rule requiring all publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose the use of corporate resources for political purposes.

I have a small investment portfolio but I invest in the capital market as much as I can. When I choose investments I consider not only the potential financial return but also the possible impact that the investment will have on global society and the environment.

As a society we have recognized the importance of transparency concerning the components of comsumer goods and the physical origin of extraction, growth or fabrication of products. We have a number of useful laws requiring thorough product labeling. It is no less important for the small investor as a "consumer" of financial products to know what is behind those products. I logically avoid investments that will lead to the growth or enhancement of institutions or policies that are inimical to the world. Similarly, I strive to invest my limited resources where there is a concern about the future of life and the wellbeing of everyone not just a search for the largest most rapid financial return.

I urge you to pass a rule requiring full disclosure of corporate political activity - including both direct payments to candidates and indirect payments to trade associations, Super PACs and similar groups. Thank you for considering my comment and for all of the work you do on behalf of investors and the public interest.

Douglas Plante