Subject: File No. 4-637

May 9, 2015

With all due respect Madam SEC Chair the current setup of Citizens United which actually divides all of us has got to go. The idea that secret money from God awful "Filthy Rich" corporations can sway elections, bastardize candidates and other political figures is absolutely horrendous.

Please ensure that mandating all political contributions are disclosed in order for we the people by the people know what shenanigans these corporations and entities are up to. 

Most respectfully,

Kevin Ray Smith,

Minnetonka, MN

The SEC has a duty to protect investors and promote the public interest by issuing a rule requiring disclosure of political contributions by publicly traded companies.

Shareholders need to know whether their money is being used to run a business or to run election attack ads.

Please place a rule on the unified agenda by the end of May 2015 that will require disclosure of political spending, as laid out in file number 4-637.

Kevin Smith