Subject: Comment on File Number 4-637

January 21, 2014

Securities and Exchange Commission

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

We must return rule #4-637 in our country. We must stop the sellout of our country to the people with the most money. They hide and, like thieves in the night, they steal our country and lawmakers for their desire. They use their dark, dirty money to create more dark, dirty money and dark power.

This is NOT democracy. We need to hold companies accountable for their political influence.

There is a tremendous amount of money spent in our political process today. Our inability to know "who" are the people actually creating policies that deeply impact our health, safety, and environment must be stopped.

We deserve to know who these people are. Why are they hiding? We deserve to know how much is being spent. What are they hiding? We deserve to know.

Please enact rule #4-637. Thank you.


Ms. Joann Loomis