Subject: File No. 4-637
From: John C. Espe

January 13, 2013

Securities and Exchange Comm.

Dear Securities and Exchange Comm.,

I’m writing to urge the commission’s prompt approval of rules requiring public disclosure of political spending by publicly-held companies. Disclosure is vital to the SEC’s responsibility to ensure that investors have the information they need to make sound decisions about when and where to put their money. Shareholders also have a right to know how companies in their investment portfolios are investing that money, particularly when the spending falls outside the company’s normal business activity.

This decision by the Supreme Court has allowed our government to bought for the highest bidder. even more so thna it was before this awful decision. corporations are not people. They do not have the same interests as the people of this nation and were never subjects or given rights by the original founding fathers in the constitution. This decisoin has made a mockery out of our democratic system when unlimited, undisclosed monies can be spent to influence the crooked politicians who are supposed to be elected to represent the interests of the people not of greedy corporations

Thank you for considering my comment.


John C. Espe