Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Dennis R Young, Sr
Affiliation: Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors member and Professional Insurors of America member and owner of Dennis Young Insurance Agency, Inc

July 31, 2010

We are regulated enough, already Please do not impose further cost that will eventually get passed to the consumer and therefore be another form 'taxation'.

I just sent 2 of my agents to Columbus, Oh for a week long class to earn there Certified Professional Insurance Agent designation. The cost was well over $1000.00 and the lack of their production that week cost me much more than the cost to attend, hotel, gas, food, etc.

We regulate ourselves.

Instead of putting more cost on us and thereby increasing cost to the consumer, why don't half of you all quit your government job and help cut our tax budget? Get a job where you actually produce something other than cumbersome rules and fees to a already heavily regulated industry.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. It is Saturday and because of the tax burden already on me I am going back to work helping my clients secure their finacial futue by buying life insurance.

Dennis Young Sr