Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Brian D Blink, CLU, ChFC
Affiliation: Financial Representative Northwestern Mutual

July 30, 2010

One of the frustrating aspects of life in this country is that when we have a situation where people are not following laws and are violating peoples rights, or taking their property, the government enacts additional laws requiring more due diligence. Unfortunately the people who are obeying the current laws are then subjected to additional and often costly constraints that make it more difficult for them to operate and less able to be efficient and hold down costs. The people who do not follow the original laws will not follow the new laws. It penalizes the honest hardworking individual by throwing up road blocks to success. Why not try something new and enforce the existing laws.

It is ironic that Mr. Dodd is one of the sponsors of this bill. Why wasn't his preferential loan through Country wide prosecuted? Why were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac allowed to run wild? Why now are you contemplating penalizing me and my clients through higher compliance costs when we did nothing to assist this disaster?

It is getting very frustrating to live under the oppression of our current government.

Rather than passing a rash of new laws we need to step back and look at the real root cause of the melt down and see why the laws that had already been put in place were not enforced and why some groups received preferential treatment while others did not. More laws are not the answer.